Tuesday 29 June 2010

My family dies your family dies seems fair.

A sobering report circulating in the Kremlin today from President Medvedev’s meeting with other World leaders at the G8 summit in Muskoka, Ontario states that President Obama has warned his counterparts that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster “will most likely kill millions, perhaps tens of millions” of people during the coming year.

President Barack Obama ; April 16, 2010
Kyrgyzstan overthrowing the government to get a break on the rent may have seemed a good idea but you have failed to understand how the demon has led the American government around by its nose.

Those same demons will cause a cascade effect all the way through the Middle East until your troops are cut off surrounded by a billion people who have stored up anger for over 1000 years.

In case you do not understand professor OBAMA. The United States owes Edward Mooney millions make sure Derse ambassador in Vilnius has the money owed to Edward Mooney and that someone from the embassy come to my apartment because I am way to sick to travel tied to a machine which does what my lungs cannot.

Every time I write to you God gives another earthquake to underline my words in blood.

This time they are up against the Blood relatives of Christ, Christ himself, 35 million Persians who even if they disagree would die to every man woman and child if someone attacked them in service to God and almost 2 billion silent but watching Islamic.


I wrote it April 16, 2010: usually takes 3 or 4 days from the time Christ has me write you before he allows the demons to unleash hell on you Obama.

April 20, 2010

Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion. The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the BP oil disaster or the Macondo blowout) a massive ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that is now considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. estimates placed it by late May or early June, 2010, as among the largest oil spills in the world with tens of millions of gallons spilled to date The spill stems from a sea floor oil gusher when BP told engineers just shut up stick the pipe in the ocean floor without the protection a crack head would use.

Obama Warns World Leaders ‘Millions Could Die’ From Gulf Oil Disaster

Posted on June 28, 2010

A sobering report circulating in the Kremlin today from President Medvedev’s meeting with other World leaders at the G8 summit in Muskoka, Ontario states that President Obama has warned his counterparts that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster “will most likely kill millions, perhaps tens of millions” of people during the coming year.

Fueling Obama’s dire assessment of this “Gulf Apocalypse”, this report says, are the oil and toxic rains now being reported to be falling throughout the US Gulf Coast region due to the fracturing of the Gulf of Mexico seafloor allowing untold millions of gallons of oil and millions of cubic feet of methane gas to escape unchecked into our World’s seventh largest body of water, not to mention the millions of gallons of dangerous disbursements being used that is poisoning everything in its path.

So dangerous has the Gulf Coast environment become to human beings the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning that, in part, says: “People, including pregnant women, can be exposed to these chemicals by breathing them (air), by swallowing them (water, food), or by touching them (skin). If possible, everyone, including pregnant women, should avoid the oil and spill-affected areas.”

With nearly 20 million American’s living along the affected Gulf Coast region one wonders where they could all go and leaving many to speculate a massive evacuation is being planned by the US Government of the entire region.

This view, however, is not shared by a Louisiana woman named Kindra Arnesen who was allowed unprecedented access to the BP Operations Center overseeing this catastrophe and reported to the Gulf Emergency Summit this past week that along with millions of fish dying because of this disaster people are falling ill all over the region.

Even worse is Arnesen’s incredibly reporting that even as this oil disaster grows BP is being allowed the US government to begin cutting costs in their cleanup and oil containment efforts.

Important to note about in this report is that Obama’s warning that “millions could die” from this disaster has been further confirmed by the American engineer who helped lead the team to put out the Persian Gulf oil fires set by Saddam Hussein in the first Iraq war and had warned a full 12 months before the April sinking of the Deepwater Horizon that BP was drilling into a huge methane deposit that if released would be beyond catastrophic, it would be biblical in its scale of destruction.

Note: Along with the unprecedented danger facing the Americans due to this oil spill catastrophe it is important to remember the billions of dollars being made from it by some of the most powerful people and corporations in the West, and as we had reported on in our June 16th report titled “Obama To Earn Nearly $85 Million From Gulf Oil Disaster”.

Interesting to note too is that one of the World’s top oil and gas industry experts Matthew Simmons is calling for the evacuation of the entire US Gulf Coast, and as we can read as quoted by him in an interview with the Washington Post News Service: “We’re going to have to evacuate the Gulf States. Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought.”

Now the “80 times worse than I thought” comment by Simmons is one of the most vitally important points to understand in this unfolding historic disaster due to the findings of the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) high-tech research ship Thomas Jefferson, and as we can read as reported by the Los Angeles Times News Service:

“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Monday released new data from the agency’s latest research trip through the Gulf of Mexico, showing concentrations of oil below the surface at more than 3,600 feet below the surface, about 7.5 nautical miles southwest of the BP’s blown-out well.

The Thomas Jefferson research ship found evidence of depleted oxygen, a potential sign of microbes digesting oil, in the area. Acoustic and fluorometric instruments likewise indicated the presence of oil. Water samples taken on the trip have not been analyzed.

Since the leak began April 20, attention has been focused on surface oil washing up on environmentally fragile shoreline ecosystems. But “plumes” or “clouds” of oil hovering in the water column below the surface, where myriad marine life eat, breed and swim, has as much or more potential to cause ecological damage to the Gulf, scientists have warned.”

Not being explained to the American people about NOAA’s findings is that the live video feed of this spill being shown to them of this spill contains oil and methane gas being expelled at pressures estimated to be at 100,000 pounds per square inch (psi) and cannot in any way being associated with the massive underwater oil plumes found by the Thomas Jefferson nearly 8 kilometers away.

To where these massive underwater oil plumes are coming from, Simmons stated during an interview on the US television network MSNBC that the release point was “5 to 6 miles away” from where the Deepwater Horizon sunk.

In our June 10th report “Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Fractured “Beyond Repair” we reported that Russian scientists (the only scientists to have actually viewed this disaster in their deep submersible submarines) had likewise confirmed Simmons dire assessment of this catastrophe; reports, mind you, that not only have we seen, but Simmons has undoubtedly seen too.

Most incredibly in all of these events is that Obama has issued what many experts are calling a “get out of jail free card” to BP in the setting up of a $20 Billion “sham” cleanup fund paid for by this British oil giant that allowed them to borrow from Goldman Sachs the entire amount and not affecting their bottom line for years, if not decades to come.

To the greatest consequence of this catastrophe upon the American people, an FSB appendix to this report warns that the US Soldiers currently deployed throughout their island territory of Puerto Rico are in fact being trained in how to “suppress and contain” large concentrations of people and being “recycled” to military bases throughout the State of Florida where they will soon be joined by an estimated 28,000 NATO allied troops where both will join up with an estimated 7,000 pre-positioned UN marked vehicles for purposes “still not known or clearly stated by the US”.

To the greatest danger facing the American people it comes from the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, the father of the field of “public relations” and propaganda, who said that news was made “when reality is distilled down to the most simplified and dramatized form and it appeals to the instincts of the public mind.”

Unfortunately, the “instincts” being instilled in these Americans “public mind” is going to kill them as there is NOTHING to be simplified about this catastrophe, and what they aren’t being told by their so called mainstream media, or what they aren’t willing to find out for themselves, is going to kill them. Just like all of those who cleaned up the1989 Exxon Valdez spill disaster, ALMOST ALL OF WHOM ARE NOW DEAD.

GULF WAR SYNDROME Left brain vs. Right brain.

Researchers have been investigating to what extent areas of the brain are specialized for certain functions. If a specific region of the brain is injured or destroyed, their functions can sometimes be recovered by neighboring brain regions — even opposite hemispheres. This depends more on the age and the damage occurred than anything else.

Linear reasoning functions of language such as grammar and word production are often lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain. In contrast, holistic reasoning functions of language such as intonation and emphasis are often lateralized to the right hemisphere of the brain. Other integrative functions such as intuitive or heuristic arithmetic, binaural sound localization, emotions, etc. seem to be more bilaterally controlled.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA or HTPA axis), also known as the limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (LHPA axis), is a complex set of direct influences and feedback interactions among the hypothalamus (a hollow, funnel-shaped part of the brain), the pituitary gland (a pea-shaped structure located below the hypothalamus), and the adrenal (or suprarenal) glands (small, conical organs on top of the kidneys).

The interactions among these organs constitute the HPA axis, a major part of the neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress and regulates many body processes, including digestion, the immune system, mood and emotions, sexuality, and energy storage and expenditure.

A wide variety of species, from the most ancient organisms to humans, share components of the HPA axis. It is the common mechanism for interactions among glands, hormones, and parts of the midbrain that mediate the general adaptation syndrome.

Dear Hillary for your records: My brother came down with Agent Orange disease it killed him non Hodgkin’s lymphoma after a long and pain filled life of needless suffering. Many paid medical professionals lied for years that there was no such thing as Agent Orange disease also. As Your Husband proved this lie to be false earning my late brothers respect and gratitude although much too late to save him from decades of pain or prevent his death which could have been avoided if the doctors told the truth from the beginning. The battle goes on. Now it is Gulf War Syndrome.

Looking for Medical Doctors which know about Gulf War Syndrome was the first person in USA to come down with during the First Gulf War from Chemicals (worked with over 2000 some neuro toxins & hydrazine to help speed it to the blood supply) which destroyed brain membrane & immune system Although at that time they had no name for it.. After almost 2 years of my own research (help from many other sources) was able to establish chemical injury medically proving damage sufficient enough to be considered over 70% disabled my file was used by Congress for guidelines for social security cases still used today.

My research was done for a workers compensation claim which I won (after my lawyer quit right before the hearing in collusion with the companies lawyer) represented myself via a telephonic hearing won the case company bribed the head of the Worker compensation board (promotion to Director) if he would throw out the case.(Alaska) is controlled by criminals dressed in suits called Politicians & oil executives which feared criminal charges for the damage they done to many workers. They prefer to bury workers (which they succeeded in doing) not pay them.

However the workers compensation board did say I was damaged from chemicals just that they would not pay me for it. The Federal government {looking for injury on chemically damaged people} used all the information I spent my life savings collecting tests from Allergist (Chemical warfare uses allergist in chemical weapons) as the bases for a protocol study for Gulf War Syndrome (hired my second Doctor before my last doctor for the study then stole him away from Washington State).

I do have some resentment being robbed by Alaska State proving everything in a Kangaroo court but count it a Blessing since my research did help the returning Vets with some information gained from the many mistakes made on me by Doctors just learning about this disease.

Some of the mistakes was having doctors order a EKG then have no one read it (though they charged for reading) Until the doctor who ordered had time to read in his regular mail seeing I was in cardiac arrest bad enough to kill. He called my house asked is Edward still alive? Call 911 he had a bad heart attack.

The federal Government In particular the US Air Force used all my information for treatments for the disabled vets without paying anything for the information I spent my life savings on. However I am happy it helped many others this permitted one million other people stricken to gain medical treatment and acceptance under the general Term CFIDS later (ME) post polio syndrome. Historically this type of auto immune damage affects the one third of the world population which would have caught Polio except for Jonas Sauk. Who warned of only curing one half of the auto immune disorders from this gene on the double helix. He was correct..

The same gene which made my brother sick from Agent Orange also made me sick from different but similar chemical trigger. I need to find a doctor in (Kaunas) soon who either knows about this or is willing to learn about or will be dead in a few weeks.

My doctor (Washington) will supply information if someone can supply the needed medication to keep me from going into cardiac arrest from pain or into a left hemisphere lobe seizure which kills millions of brain cells.

The damage done to immune system is great and common flue can kill me. I only have between 20%to 50% of lung capacity with advanced damage due from chemical scaring and asbestos damage from over 20 years in heavy contaminated power plants and chemical plants currently using an oxygen concentrator.

Any Help in this matter would be appreciated. Without medication taken for over 10 years I will go into cardiac arrest, need operation two years ago, seizure of left hemisphere lobe can only be controlled not eliminated as most of the prescriptions is to lessen major effects of the damage none are curative at all. Lungs easier to breathe on steroids I have lost ground simple flue my problems are over.

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